Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Fighting Cowards essays
Fighting Cowards essays The soil of the United States has been blessed for many years; we as a people do not deal with an onslaught of wide spread attacks on a day to day basis. People of the United States are fortunate that their largest doses of fear are presented through their harmless entertainment centers. Other country citizens are not so fortunate they awake everyday in the real fear of death and destruction from an unnamed and unseen killer, we in the United States refer to as terrorism. In the past the sneaky head of terrorism has entered the United Sates and the American public was quickly lulled to sleep by the media portraying it as an isolated instance. Our government has continued to keep quite the real threat that is continually eliminated on a day to day basis. Thus leaving the American public with a false since of security in there daily lives. Until the 11 of September 2001 when the American people were awaken from their naive slumber, the over 6000 casualties can not be referred to as an Isolated instance the American slumber has been replaced by an angry reality. Terrorism has revealed the Achilles tendon of the American impenetrable armor. The American government must look into the impossible task of defending against and enemy that wishes not to be seen and offering reasonable protection while still affording the freedoms, which America was founded on. In the House of Representatives on April 6, 2000 A bill was proposed and passed to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for improved Federal efforts to prepare for and respond to terrorist attacks, and for other purposes. The President should strengthen Federal interagency emergency planning by the Federal 9 Emergency Management Agency and other appro- 10 Private Federal, State, and local agencies for develop- 11 ment of a capability for early detection and warning 12 of and response to potential domestic terrorist at- 13 ta...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
10 Shakespeare Quotes on Tragedy
10 Shakespeare Quotes on Tragedy Shakespeares plays have contributed some of the most famous quotes from all of literature, and none are more memorable than those from his tragedies, probably the best place to find quotes on tragedy. There is debate over which of his plays are tragedies- Troilus and Cressida sometimes is included, for example- but here is the best-remembered tragic quote from each of the bards plays usually placed in the tragedy category: Quotes From Shakespeares Tragedies Romeo and JulietNo, tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but tis enough, twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o both your houses!(Mercutio, Act 3, Scene 1)HamletTo be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them.(Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1)MacbethIs this a dagger which I see before me,The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee!I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.Art thou not, fatal vision, sensibleTo feeling as to sight? or art thou butA dagger of the mind, a false creationProceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?(Macbeth, Act 2, Scene 1)Julius CaesarO conspiracy,Shamst thou to show thy dangerous brow by night,When evils are most free?(Brutus, Act 2, Scene 1)OthelloO, beware, my lord, of jealousy!It is the green-eyed monster, w hich doth mockThe meat it feeds on.(Iago, Act 3, Scene 3) King LearNothing will come of nothing.(King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1)Antony and CleopatraLet Rome in Tiber melt and the wide archOf the ranged empire fall. Here is my space.Kingdoms are clay; our dungy earth alikeFeeds beast as man. The nobleness of lifeIs to do thus; when such a mutual pairAnd such a twain can dot.(Antony, Act 1, Scene 1)Titus AndronicusVengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.(Aaron, Act 2, Scene 3)CoriolanusLike a dull actor now,I have forgot my part, and I am out,Even to a full disgrace.(Coriolanus, Act 5, Scene 3)Timon of AthensHere lies a wretched corpse, of wretched soul bereft;Seek not my name. A plague consume you wicked caitiffs left!Here lie I, Timon, who alive all living men did hate.Pass by and curse thy fill, but pass, and stay not here thy gait.(Alcibiades, Act 5, Scene 4)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Marketing - Essay Example All the shampoos and conditioners of the line are packed and labeled in a similar manner, but each type of the product has a different color of packaging (Palmolive Hair Care 2011). The bottles that are used for packaging all have a label that outlines the purpose of each separate product (for brilliant color or for smoothing hair, for instance), and stresses that the shampoo or conditioner includes natural ingredients. The life itself is called Palmolive Naturals. There are no extra services or products that the consumer gets when purchasing the product. Palmolive shampoos and conditioners are mass consumer goods (Kotler and Keller 2006). For this reason, their search cost is low – all similar products are located in one place, so a consumer can instantly compare them all and make a choice. Substitutes will be accepted as well. 1.2 Current Pricing The market of shampoos is rather competitive. Though it requires quite high entry costs, the number of current competitors of Colg ate-Palmolive is quite significant, and includes such large companies as Procter & Gamble, Church & Dwight Co, L’Oreal and Unilever. The market is characterized by strong buying power of retailers, high threat of substitutes and high degree of rivalty (Morningstar, Inc. 2010). Currently the price of Palmolive Naturals shampoo ranges from $4.45 ( 2011) to $5.13 ( 2011). The price for the conditioner ranges from $3.55 to $4.60 ( 2011). At the same time, (2011) reports that Procter & Gamble Pantene shampoo prices start at $4.99. The price in most cases is higher than that of Palmolive shampoos. The cheapest L’Oreal shampoo sells at $5.49. So, Palmolive products seem to be the cheapest famous brand goods in their niche. Though there are some competitors’ products, the price of which is rather close to Palmolive’s, the number of such shampoos is not great. At the same time, the number of highly priced produc ts of the rivals is very significant. So price can be said to be one of the competitive advantages of Palmolive. Therefore, if Palmolive changes the price for its products, consumer demand for them may decrease since there will be more similarly priced substitutes. Since Palmolive is a mass-consumer shampoo, consumers do base their purchase decision on price: David Mercer outlines that individual consumers always tend to spend less (Mercer 1996). However, brand awareness is important as well. The price of the product is determined on the basis of business’s costs in the first place. Business’s costs determine the minimum price at which the product can be sold to cover the business’
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business in USA before Wal-Mart Opened Assignment
Business in USA before Wal-Mart Opened - Assignment Example Although the major stores had different items for customers to choose from earlier on, Wal-Mart took this a step further. This can be clearly seen in today’s world where people prefer to shop in supermarkets. This is important since it allows customers to compare substitute goods in relation to price and quality hence settling for the most satisfying. Wal-Mart has a wide range of goods ranging from simple everyday necessities to seemingly luxurious items such as expensive watches. As such, the strategy of having a wide variety welcomes all people whether rich or middle class. The retail industry has hence changed business strategies such that most successful businesses provide a wide range of products. Furthermore, Wal-Mart’s culture of weekly meetings has provided players within and outside the industry a new business strategy especially in relation to management. Although, the culture of the weekly Saturday meetings may not be still in play, Wal-Mart certainly brought in an effective business strategy. This culture instilled an entrepreneurial spirit and allowed people to view decentralized management as a possible strategy. Earlier on organizational management was mainly centralized mostly with only one annual employee meeting. Additionally, the culture united workers making Wal-Mart and other firms that adopted the technique solid due to employee loyalty and retention. As such, Wal-Mart made an important contribution not only to the retail industry but also across all other industries.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Clotel Analysis Essay Example for Free
Clotel Analysis Essay Clotel is an interesting piece of literary work by William Brown, as it exposes the depraved social conditions of Chattel Slavery and its effect on Marriage relations between slave and slave owner. Interestingly, I recognized the stereotypes that can develop from conditions of race and class in our society. More importantly, we see how race and class present higher priviledges to mulatto slaves (quadroons), than what William coins as the real negro. Undeniably, there is a stereotypical belief in todays society that light skin or fairer skin people have an esteemed privilege than that of dark skin people. Although fictional characters, Currer, Clotel, and Althesa are real-life representations of that belief because they were mulattos. One may imply that it is quite stereotypical to say that light skin people have a higher privilege that is not necessarily given to dark skin people, although many believe it to be true as a result of the conditions faced by non-mulatto slaves. However, others may not agree. Currer and her two daughters Clotel and Althesa are all protagonists in this literary work. Currer, a bright mulatto was a housekeeper for slaveholder Thomas Jefferson, upon which she beared Clotel and Althesa. Currer being of the higher class of slaves was permitted to hire her time for more than 20 years. Surely Currer wanted nothing more than to raise her daughters to attract attention in efforts that they might marry into their freedom. Compared to ordinary slaves, Currer and her daughters had once lived in luxury due to privileged conditions of being a mulatto slave. Nevertheless, they were still slaves, and often reminded that they were no different than ordinary slaves. For example, Clotel was only 16 when she was purchased by Horatio Green, son of a wealthy gentleman of Richmond whom promised to make her mistress of her own dwelling. She lived in luxury for a while, and even beared a child named Mary with Horatio. The time came that Horatio began to be involved with politics, and his success with politics being of greater importance proved his union with Clotel would soon end. Horatio took interest in the daughter of a wealthy man with whom he found a connect to success in politics. Horatio later married her, leaving Clotel to be sold to a slaveholder at the demand of his mistress. It is here that we discover that even the mulatto woman is not as esteemed with privilege as she was once perceived to possess. She is still a slave , born of that blood. She may have lived in luxury for a while, but it was very predictable that she would be sold again to the highest bidder, and for the latter purpose. What is so significant about not only Clotels character, but also for her mothers and sisters character is that they are symbolic of how mulatto slaves were used as an even bigger commodity during slavery. They were put on a pedestal to feel as though they had more privilege, only to discover that they really did not. Even more importantly, mulatto slaves knew the significance of having been mixed-bred, and how it could be used in attempt to free themselves, just as Currer had planned for her daughters from the very beginning. Mostly, the mulattos or quadroons were the house slaves, and occupied the best situation a slave could occupy. Most of the mistresses of the slave owners in the South sought to make the lives of quadroons intolerable, because they viewed them as rivals. For this reason, Mrs. Green had demanded that Clotel be sold out of the state. How soundly ironic that mulattos could be stuck at the center of the depraved social condition of marriage relations between slave and slave owner? And being of the higher class of slaves still be subject to the will of his master. Were they really of a higher class, or were they no better than an ordinary slave whom labored outside the masters house? Some people have their own prejudices toward blacks in general even in todays society. It is safe to say that some whites even still view blacks as slaves. No matter how fair or light the shade of their skin is, it still does not dismiss the fact that they are born of African descent. As William stated in his work, there was a depraved social condition that placed the slave under total control of his master from the very beginning no matter how light or fair their skin was. Therefore, the stereotypical belief that mulattos or light-skin people have an esteemed privilege over dark-skinned people is without a doubt, debateable.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Snow Leopard :: essays research papers
LSD Induced, Yeti, Euphoric Sojourn Drugs can clear away the past, enhance the present; toward the inner garden, they can only point the way. Lacking the temper of ascetic discipline, the drug vision remains a sort of dream that cannot be brought over into daily life. Old mists may be banished, that is true, but the alien chemical agent forms another mist maintaining the separation of the 'I' from the true experience of the One.1 This passage comes from The Snow Leopard, by Peter Matthiessen. In this passage Matthiessen describes what he has learned from the experiences he had with hallucinogenic drugs, such as ayahuasca, LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin. He is concerned mostly with the spiritual nature of such drugs, and reveals that while drugs are always harmful, they can provide a starting point for spiritual growth. Hallucinogens clear 'old mists';(47); they let you perceive yourself without any armour. They force you to stand naked and alone, without any defense to your own emotional states. You become very close to the oneness Matthiessen describes, 'Then I breathe, and the mountain breathes, setting the world in motion once again.';(198) Nevertheless this oneness is very hard to achieve in practice and harder still to maintain. Drugs always leave you short of the goal of oneness because the drugs themselves are an obstacle, a mist that will always stop you short of total oneness. Drugs will always hold you back because they are harmful, and while you are experiencing a drug trip you are doing nothing but experiencing a drug trip; the drugs can do nothing but induce that hallucinogenic state. Also you are unable to do anything other then experience that state. This is also a reason why drugs are able to 'point the way';(47) to spiritual unity, oneness. Drugs force you to live in the present, in the sense that you are totally consumed by the drug and are doing nothing except being high. This is another draw back of the drugged experience you cannot escape you must wait until the drug wears off before you can concentrate on anything else. You are one with the drug and its affects. If you are going to try and concern yourself with something other than the drug experience that you are involved in, you will become very nervous. An anxiety attack will start to creep over you, reminding you to concern yourself with only what is happening now.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Learning-Centered Teaching Essay
John J. Sparkes presents a clear discussion or argument about the learning-centered approach to teaching as a means to address the need to draw distinctions between different styles, approaches, techniques, etc. of learning. This thought is motivated by the diversity of learners and the varying influences of the learning environment and experiences to learners. Sparkes learning-centered approach to teaching looks into considering the nature or characteristics of learners and the dimensions of learning in terms of determining what learning strategies, approaches, techniques, methods, materials, and such to incorporate to pedagogical processes in order to result to the definitive meaning of learning. Sparkes also suggests that learning-centered teaching is all about the process of adopting or assuming various types of teaching methods and implementing them within learning situations and environments that suit the structure of each method. (Sparkes, 1999) Aside from the established teaching methods, learning-centered teaching, which looks into the accomplishment of the purpose of learning, should also considered various learning needs that facilitate the obtainment of knowledge, skills, and competencies constituting the learning goals and objectives. The different structures of learning subjects and materials bring about the need to consider various learning needs as the ability of a learner to obtain knowledge and skills depends upon the content of the learning material. Sparkes argued that the learning goal or objective of understanding concepts requires varied processes depending on the course or subject of learning. For instance, understanding concepts in English and literature requires comprehension of reading materials while concepts in Science and Mathematics requires the discernment of problem-solving strategies and processes through the application of the theories and models learned. (Sparkes, 1999) In addition, Sparkes discussed individual differences, in terms of how learners are able to grasp the learning content and materials according to their own pace and expectations of how the learning process and environment should be. Moreover, the capability of individuals to learn are relative to their desired learning situations – that is, the kind of learning environments, situations, and materials that they would feel comfortable with resulting to their internal and external motivation to learn and engage in the teaching-learning process. (Sparkes, 1999) Sparkes view of the learning in this particular discussion shows how he considers the dimensions of learning realistically, looking into the emotional, psychological, social, physical, and moral features of the learners are distinct and unique individuals and requiring the need to design the teaching-learning process to adapt to these human distinctiveness in order to facilitate successful learning processes. Sparkes presented a comprehensive, reliable, and valid discussion of how the landscape of pedagogy should be structured. The teaching-learning process is fueled by the mission, goal, objective, or purpose not only to transmit knowledge but also to motivate the comprehension of knowledge and information for practical application in real-life situations or experiences. The product of learning should result to desirable changes to one’s thoughts and ideas and contributions to the community for nation-building and the enrichment of the global society as a whole. Due to this highly significant purpose of the teaching-learning process, the practice of teaching and the learning experiences should ensure that it fulfills what is tasked to do in terms of transferring knowledge and skills and motivating the drive to utilize knowledge purposefully and meaningfully. Sparkes recommendations address these needs and requirements for successful teaching and learning. Sparkes covered various considerations that academic and teaching professionals should consider. I believe that the presentation of the different considerations to the teaching-learning process will contribute to the development of pedagogy. Sparkes article is a valuable resource material for understanding the complex nature of learning and the learners and the arrival to various teaching methods, strategies, approaches, techniques, and such that will fit every learning situation or environment appropriately. Learning to adjust pedagogy to the learning and situation, particularly the uniqueness of the learners, instead of vice versa, ensures that the teaching-learning process will result to what it intends to produce as outcomes for the benefit of the learners and society. Sparkes overall purpose for presenting his text was to directly structure how the teaching-learning process should be designed, eliminating the â€Å"trial-and-error†process of applying various teaching methods, observing it, determining flaws, and redesigning it to diminish the errors or mistake in the method, and such. For Sparkes, doing so will leave behind many errors that will be difficult to reverse once it leaves its mark especially to learners. Sparkes is vitally concerned about redirecting the path of the teaching-learning process so as not to maintain the learning landscape as a ground for experiment since it would be detrimental to implement imperfect teaching procedures or methods as it will affect how learners are going to grasp concepts and learning materials. Therefore, Sparke’s discussions are not only intended for the purpose of guiding the teaching-learning process, but also how educational goals and objectives and the curricula should be designed. Overall, Sparke’s discussions presents an the need to overhaul the dimensions and structure of education and pedagogy to eliminate detrimental errors and flaws.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Contemporary Philosophy Essay
On the first page of Being and Time, Heidegger describes the project in the following way: Our aim in the following treatise is to work out the question of the sense of being and to do so concretely. Heidegger claims that traditional ontology has prejudicially overlooked this question, dismissing it as overly general, indefinable, or obvious. Instead Heidegger proposes to understand being itself, as distinguished from any specific entities. †Being†is not something like a being. â€Å"Being, Heidegger claims, is â€Å"what determines beings as beings, that in terms of which beings are already understood. †Heidegger is seeking to identify the criteria or conditions by which any specific entity can show up at all. If we grasp Being, we will clarify the meaning of being, or â€Å"sense†of being, whereby â€Å"sense†Heidegger means that â€Å"in terms of which something becomes intelligible as something. †According to Heidegger, as this sense of being precedes any notions of how or in what manner any particular being or beings exist, it is pre-conceptual, non-propositional, and hence pre-scientific. Thus, in Heidegger’s view, fundamental ontology would be an explanation of the understanding preceding any other way of knowing, such as the use of logic, theory, specific ontology or act of reflective thought. At the same time, there is no access to being other than via beings themselvesâ€â€hence pursuing the question of being inevitably means asking about a being with regard to its being. Heidegger argues that a true understanding of being can only proceed by referring to particular beings, and that the best method of pursuing being must inevitably, he says, involve a kind of hermeneutic circle, that is as he explains in his critique of prior work in the field of hermeneutics, it must rely upon repetitive yet progressive acts of interpretation. Thus, Heidegger also conceptualized that being with time prior of having that time alone. This means that we can’t have time by simply telling that time exists but we also need to have that sense of being or the individual being to say that time really exist. Time in other hand, makes a history because of that sense of being which Heidegger rely on with his work of the Time and Being.
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Persuasive Research Proposal for Fellowship
A Persuasive Research Proposal for Fellowship A fellowship proposal is a persuasive representation of an argument for why the specified project is to be funded. The proposal should be impressive and attractive and it should contain all the features to pursue the authority that it deserves to be funded. The following are some of the tips and guidelines to write an effective research proposal for fellowship: It should be kept in mind that a research proposal should not be long but it must contain clear goals and objectives and all the information related to the background of the topic. All the points must be clear, well organized and well focused. One must be ready to answer the major and important questions while making the proposal. A short and compact proposal is preferred and is always more difficult to write than a long proposal. The most appropriate way to start a proposal is to write an introductory paragraph that highlights the main points and features of the topic. The need for funding should be mentioned clearly and with purpose. The addition of the person’s own qualifications and experience in preparation of the proposal should be mentioned as it shows enthusiasm and dedication of that person. The objectives that are being put forward for the proposal should be specific, measurable, implacable, reliable, valid and logical. In the same way the argument that one is putting forward should make a strong case for why he/she should be invested in or funded as a researcher. A good fellowship proposal doesn’t require an overcrowded bibliography. It is not compulsory that a person who is making a proposal should go through each and every site related to the topic. Rather he should be well-read and have a thorough understanding of his work. The fellowship proposal is not only meant for the people who are related to the academic field but also anybody that may be a source of the funds. So it should be kept in mind that the title of the proposal should be simple, eye catchy and understandable for the wide range of audience. The selection criteria for the research should be observed carefully before submitting the proposal. It is recommended that one should create a personal panel and ask them to grade the application against each criterion. This will help to understand the strong as well as weak points of the proposal. The display of the research proposal for fellowship should be pleasant and attractive. The font size, typing and margin lines should be appropriate. This will show your interest and dedication to the work. The bold type will highlight the important words. The headings work as a table of content in the proposal and the margins make the proposal to be read easily. The typing style is not specified. It varies with different selection of styles. The most important point of making a research proposal is to ‘Be Honest’. One should ask himself first whether he will meet the objectives and goals that are being allotted in a given time frame. There should be no ambiguities in the objectives or title of the proposal. You can easily buy a research proposal online, custom written from scratch by our PhD degree holding experts. Enjoy our professional writing service now!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Need a Job These 10 Fields Are Hiring Like Crazy
Need a Job These 10 Fields Are Hiring Like Crazy When we’re desperate to be employed, any job will do. But sometimes it pays to be a bit more discerning. LinkedIn recently released a report on the most promising positions for next year- all with good pay and good upward mobility. If you qualify for any of these, you’re in great shape to get scooped up. And if not, if you’re still deciding what you want to be when you grow up, consider getting trained in one of these fields ASAP. They’re on the rise, and don’t look like they’re going anywhere.1. HospitalistThis is a doctor who works exclusively in a hospital. The median salary is well over $200k per year, and there are currently more than 1,000 open positions for this role. That’s an 87% annual increase. And this job scores a 6 out of 10 for career advancement. Hospitalist is ranked #1 on LinkedIn’s report.2. PharmacistPharmacists make a median salary of about $123k, but there are something like 3,300 openings out there (a 45% increase over last year). With a 5 out of 10 career advancement score, this is pretty sweet. This career is ranked #3 on LinkedIn’s report.3. Sales EngineerNo medical training? No problem! Sales engineers sell particularly complex products like machinery, and must be knowledgeable about the things they sell. The median salary is about $80k per year, with 3,000 openings- a whopping 159% increase from last year. This job also scores 6 out of 10 for career advancement. Ranked #3 on LinkedIn’s report.4. TeacherTeachers are in supreme demand- there simply aren’t enough of them to go around. While the salary isn’t the best on the block, if you can teach math or science, you’re likely to get scooped up in a second. The state of California alone reported 75% of their school districts in dire need of teachers. Hopefully demand will lead to better salary growth in years to come.5. Dental HygienistDental hygienists are a key part of the dental team. With over 68,000 open positions, this job is only going to grow- in both salary and in duties. You’ll see a lot of potential for growth of all kinds if you choose this career path, with positions available nationwide.6. Market AnalystIf you have a head for numbers, you can examine trends and provide analysis and vital information to marketing teams for developing their strategies. And prospects look great: there are more than 100k analyst positions expected to open up in the coming years.7. TranslatorGlobal business continues to be more important than ever, and it’s very important to make sure nothing gets â€Å"lost in translation.†Expect there to be steady openings for translator positions in coming years.8. Nurse PractitionerAPRNs and NPs are in high demand, with more patients seeing nurse practitioners, nurse anesthesiologists, and nurse midwives in place of doctors. This field has a lot of potential for growth, as nurses take over more and more duties traditionally ascribed to doctors. And salaries are already bursting through the $100k mark.9. Physical Therapist and Therapist AssistantThese positions are set to enjoy massive growth, particularly with the equally massive spike in patients suffering from chronic pain. Demand is high and the scope of where you’re able to work is wide.10. StatisticianIt’s all about the numbers. If you’re a data whiz, you could work in government, business, health care, or engineering. Demand is high, and salaries are up near $80k per year- and that number was determined by†¦ you guessed it: statisticians.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Anonymity and exclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Anonymity and exclusion - Essay Example This culture of anonymity conceals the criminal participation. The unintentional creation of anonymity has rendered loss of information to the society especially through destructive events and passage of crucial time. Some countries regard anonymity as an illegal trend. Most people who have been threatened usually use anonymity as a mitigating factor. In mature democracies like the United States of America, states have the stop and identify policies which requires that a person to abide by self -identity. The concept of exclusion implies the inability of an individual to participate in social, political and economic activities. Hugh-Jones & Reinstein (2009) asserts that social exclusion is regarded as a result feature of unemployment. Unemployed persons have no adequate income to survive hence they are socially excluded from the society. However, employed persons can put up in a polluted vicinity hence rendering life uncomfortable. Legally, this is a two way traffic scenario. Coleman, S., & Queens University (Kingston, Ont.) (2003). The e-connected world: Risks and opportunities. Montreal: Published for the School of Policy Studies, Queens University by McGill-Queens University
Friday, November 1, 2019
Apple Computer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Apple Computer - Essay Example Although Apple attempted to tap the market with Macintosh clones but the initiative was gone. In 1997, when Steve Jobs rejoined Apple as the CEO, the company took some bold steps. Apple joined hands with Microsoft and introduced Microsoft Office for Macintosh. This moved attracted customers as Office was the most used software at that time. Perhaps the big turning point in Apple's history was the introduction of iMac. Customers were intrigued with the aesthetics of the machine and about 1 million units were sold in a year. To enhance marketing efforts, Apple opened up company owned retail stores in various parts of United States in early 2001. The introduction of iPod and then iPhone has put Apple back in customer's minds. These products have revolutionized the industry. Apple emphasizes on relaxed culture with casual dress code but an intense work environment. Employees have to work long hours and on weekends but they do not have to worry about wearing formal dresses for office. The culture is fun filled yet there is no compromise on the quality of work and output.
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