How to write a paper in first person
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Alcoholism in The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian Essays
Liquor abuse in The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian Essays Liquor abuse in The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian Essay Liquor abuse in The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian Essay Liquor In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Alexie expounds on how liquor was a piece of his life and how it influenced his loved ones. Junior’s father is an alcoholics, Junior’s mother is an ex flushed; they drink so they can disregard the issues they have. Junior’s father goes to bars and goes through the minimal expenditure they have on alcohol. Junior’s closest companion Rowdy consistently gets beat up by his father since he is a flushed; he additionally beats his better half, and they stroll around with wounds all over, and nobody fails to address it. Junior’s grandmother passes on subsequent to getting hit by an alcoholic driver while strolling out and about on her route home from a conference. At that point Eugene gets shot in the parking garage of 7-11 of every a tipsy contention in the course of the last beverage from a jug of liquor. Junior’s sister Mary and her new amazing a fire in their trailer after a partygoer began to make some soup and it slipped afterward's mind and left. They were too flushed to even think about noticing even there was a fire and the two of them kicked the bucket. There are numerous outcomes to drinking, since it can influence your life and your friends and family lives. Liquor can be wrecking since it can make you a forceful individual. Alexie informs us concerning his companion Rowdy and how Rowdy and his mom were consistently miserable in view of one individual: his dad. He was a rough alcoholic who normally hurt his better half and child. â€Å"His father is drinking hard and tossing hard punches, so Rowdy and his mom are continually strolling around with wounded and bleeding faces†and â€Å"my mother and father are alcoholics, too†(16).Alcoholism is an incredible issue in the expressed reservation Rowdy’s father is brutal and hits his better half and child however youngsters guardians are simply lushes they are not mean like Rowdy’s father. liquor can be an approach to escape from your life yet on the off chance that you drink a lot of you can hurt your loved ones the most simply like Rowdy’s father. The way that Rowdy’s father treats his better half and child is unacce
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Happy, Productive Employees Essay Example For Students
Cheerful, Productive Employees Essay Cheerful Employee are Productive EmployeesA just-discharged longitudinal examination adding to the developing assemblage of logical proof on worker efficiency affirms that downturn is normal in the working environment and impeding to representative execution. These discoveries are accounted for in the May issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry, the month to month logical diary of the American Psychiatric Association. The examination found that non-attendance because of medical issues was twice as high for workers with burdensome manifestations contrasted with those without burdensome side effects. The investigation likewise uncovered that the probability of diminished execution at work is multiple times higher for discouraged representatives. The longitudinal investigation of in excess of 6,000 workers at three enterprises investigated the connection between misery, fulfillment with medicinal services and representative profitability. The examination additionally found that representatives who griped about their medicinal services incorporating issues with get to, correspondences, decision and coherence of care were likewise bound to be discouraged and work less gainfully. As per Lloyd Sederer, M.D., Director of the Division of Clinical Services for the American Psychiatric Association, The message is clear: there is both clinical and money related an incentive in better recognition and viable treatment for despondency in the workplace.the enddddddb dddd ddddd dddd ddd dddddddd ddd dd ddd ddddd ddd dddd dddddddddd ddddd dddd ddd dddd dd ddd dddd ddd d ddd dd d ddd dd ddd ddddddddd ddd ddddd dddd ddd dddd ddddd ddd dd dddd d ddddddd dd ddd dddd ddddddd dddd ddd ddddd d ddd dd dddd dddddd ddd dddd dd dddddd ddd dddd d ddd dddd ddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddWords/Pages : 294/24
Friday, August 21, 2020
All About Acute Stress
All About Acute Stress January 31, 2018 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Acute stress isnt serious, but it can build up. Heres how to manage it. Annie Engel/Cultura/Getty Images There are several different types of stress, and not all of them are necessarily unhealthy. Acute stress is one of the least damaging types of stress, which is good because it is also the most common type. We experience acute stress multiple times throughout the day. Acute stress is experienced as an immediate perceived threat, either physical, emotional or psychological. These threats dont need to be intensely threateningâ€"they can be mild stressors like an alarm clock going off, a new assignment at work, or even a phone call that needs to be answered when youre relaxing on the couch and your phone is across the room. Acute stress can also be more serious, like being pulled over for speeding, getting into an argument with a friend, or taking a test. The threat can be real or imagined; it’s the perception of threat that triggers the stress response. During an acute stress response, the autonomic nervous system is activated and the body experiences increased levels of cortisol, adrenaline and other hormones that produce an increased heart rate, quickened breathing rate, and higher blood pressure. Blood is shunted from the extremities to the big muscles, preparing the body to fight or run away. This is also known as the fight-or-flight response. Acute stress can be easily managed because it occurs and then its over. It doesnt bring the toll on health that comes with chronic stress because it is possible and relatively easy to recover from acute stressâ€"simple relaxation techniques can work quickly of your stress response doesnt resolve into a relaxation response on its own. Repeated instances of acute stress, however, can bring more of a toll. Either multiple instances of different acute stressors (a series of unrelated stressful events) or repeated occurrences of the same acute stressors (experiencing the same stress repeatedly) can add up to a state of chronic stress where the bodys stress response is constantly triggered. Because of this, its important to have a stress management plan. The following steps can reduce the chances of having your acute stressors add up to more significant levels of stress. Eliminate Stress When Possible Cutting down on the little things that repeatedly stress youâ€" your tolerationsâ€"can minimize your overall stress levels. You can also take other steps to minimize lifestyle stress. You cant eliminate all stress (nor would you want to), but you can cut out stress where possible and this can really add up. Learn Relaxation Techniques That Work for You This means finding ways to relax your body and calm your mind. You cant always predict the stressors in your life, but you can reverse your stress response after you encounter these stressors. Adopt Resilience-Building Habits Yes, certain habits can build resilience toward stress. These include meditation, exercise, and more. Taking on one of these habits (or several) can really help you to manage acute stress as well as chronic stress.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Zoos Should Not Be Used - 1782 Words
By the basic definition, something is rare when it either does not occur often or it is not found in large numbers which adds to its interest and value. The rarity of an object can be argued by different groups of people. This causes debates about what should be considered rare and to what degree of rarity an object is. If said object is classified as rare, what should be done with that object or idea and how, if at all, should it be preserved. In this essay, I am going to question the idea of rarity and show why rarity should not be used as a way to regulate environments. One view of rarity comes from the realists; they believe â€Å"†¦ an object is unique within a purview: given a certain boundary, there exists no other object like it. †This idea makes defining something as rare only specific to the boundary set. So, if something is rare in America it may not be as rare, if rare at all, in Europe. This could have complications when considering different aspects of natu re and how to define those aspects as rare. For example, to Americans the Niagara Falls is a rare phenomenon and should be maintained due to their rarity, however in other parts of the world there are falls just as good, if not better than the Niagara Falls. An example of this would be the Victoria Falls in Africa; this is also a rare phenomenon but is it equally as rare as the Niagara Falls? When trying to regulate environments, rarity always comes into play as it pertains to preservation. The rarer somethingShow MoreRelatedWhy Animals Should Not Be Kept919 Words  | 4 PagesWhy animals should not be kept in zoos? Zoos have been a place for human entertainment since such a long time that it is now widely considered a tradition, giving the pleasure of a wholesome family activity. However, it is also crucial to note that zoos violate the rights of animals to live freely in their natural habitat, upsetting the balance of nature. This paper argues why animals should not be kept in zoos, and also tries to refute various counterarguments which claim that zoos are good forRead MoreZoo Animal Mistreatment648 Words  | 3 Pages Zoo Animal Mistreatment Have you ever been to the zoo? Dont you love to see all of the beautiful and exotic animals? I always loved seeing all the different reptiles, even though I’m terrified of snakes. Whenever I visit zoos, always in the back of my mind, I would think that this is wrong. Keeping animals locked up with no freedom whats-so-ever. Animals should be out in the wild, running free, and being themselves. They should not be caged up or should they be forced to perform forRead MoreAn Endangered Silverback Gorilla Named Harambe819 Words  | 4 PagesMay 28, 2016; an endangered silverback gorilla named Harambe was shot and killed by zoo officials when a child fell into the zoo exhibit. The child had slipped away from their mother and crossed many barriers, wires, and finally he fell into the moat separating the gorilla habitat and the human onlookers. This grabbed the attention of Harambe, the 17 year old gorilla who was the victim in this unfortunate accident. Harambe played with the ch ild as he would with a branch or a younger gorilla, howeverRead MoreThe Animal Rights Debate1244 Words  | 5 Pageshave had rights to do as they pleased in their own habitat. As time went on, these rights slowly faded with the increase of using animals as entertainment. Animals do not belong in a zoo for personal visual enjoyment, or left in a cage at some ones house for days. Almost every child has taken a trip to the zoo. At the zoo we see different animals in created habitats eating prepared food. A variety of different animals are either captured or born to amuse humans and in most cases for a profit. The rightsRead MoreTreatment Of Zoos : Gorilla Shot Dead By Endangered Sumatran Tiger1117 Words  | 5 Pages Treatment of animals in zoos: Gorilla shot dead while trying to help a boy who fell into the enclosure VS New Zealand zookeeper being killed by endangered Sumatran tiger. Introduction The treatment of animals in zoos has become a very debatable issue, as animals deserve to live in their natural habitat with their family, but they are having to live in cramped, fake living spaces for nearly all their lives, separated from their families, not much room to walk around and being very bored. But twoRead MoreAnimals Are Not Accorded Equal Rights1521 Words  | 7 PagesHuman and animal rights have been a major discussion topic among most news reporters in the recent past. The contagious issue has however been why animals are not accorded equal rights as humans. Philosopher Kant argues in his theory that human have the ultimate right and freedom, and life is very valuable. Utilitarianism says that humans should focus more on doing what produces happiness at all times. Religious ethics demand that humans consider rights and freedom of all creature before making decisionsRead MoreThe Morality of Zoos Essay858 Words  | 4 PagesThe word zoo is a fairly broad term. Zoos are most commonly thought of as an attraction rather than a means for education. More importantly, they are rarely associated with the survival of the human race. While zoos are a form of entertainment for the public and a taxable industry for the government; most of them do in fact research the animals t hey have in their captivity. This research can be beneficial and life saving for humans and if it were not for this testing, we would not have many key vaccinesRead MoreEssay on Zoos and Animal Rights1063 Words  | 5 Pagesand exciting attraction to visit around our community, a visit to the zoo has always been a memorable experience. This cost effective priceless lifetime experience is being undermined by a group of activists all around the country. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), world largest animal rights organization, argue that zoos deprived animals from satisfying their most basic needs. They urge not to patronized zoos and claims that the money spent on ticket purchases pays for animalsRead MoreThe Animal Of The Zoo1525 Words  | 7 PagesMany zoos around the world have captive breeding programs in which they take animals from the wild and breed them in captivity and the offspring of these species become the entertainment of the public. Seeing the new panda bear cub exhibit can bring major business to the zoos, but when the new set of cubs arrive what is to be done with the old cubs? When there is no profitable use or need for an animal in the zoo it is considered a surplus. Surplus animals, if they’re lucky, will be transferred toRead MoreThe Zoo Controversy Essay1421 Words  | 6 PagesEverybody’s been to the zoo; they’ve either enjoyed a dolphin show, or fed the penguins. Zoos have been a part of American culture for centuries. At first, a zoo could be seen as nothing more than a jail cell for animals, but today, zoos are being completely transformed. What used to be confined cages are now being revolutionized into acres of land for different species to reside in. The opponents of zoos feel that they are inhumane and harmful to animals. However, zoos are beneficial for several
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Amendment Act Of The United States - 1030 Words
While there are many amendments to the U.S. Constitution that have impacted our society and nation, I believe that the 19th amendment to the Constitution is one of the most important events in our history. The 19th amendment states, â€Å"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.†(1) There are several reasons why I find this amendment to be important, and I will discuss each point. Women have been fighting in our armed forces since the civil war. Women helped colonize the United States. Women are the backbone of our society. The first thing that I would like to discuss is the actual amendment and the timeline. I found it fascinating that†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"On November 11, 1865, President Johnson signed a bill to present Dr. Mary Edwards Walker with the Congressional Medal of Honor for Meritorious Service, in order to recognize her contributions to the war effort without awarding her an army commission. She was the only woman ever to receive the Medal of Honor, her country s highest military award.†(3) Dr. Edward is just one example of millions of women who have volunteered and sacrificed their time, family and sometimes their lives. Since that time in some fashion women have helped defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Even taking on these responsibilities they were denied the right to vote. Another military example would be women Drill Sergeants. Drill Sergeants are considered the most elite soldiers in the military. They are chosen to train new recruits, therefore they are considered the best of the best. In order the train these soldiers the Drill Sergeants are trained in an extremely tough school for nine weeks. â€Å"In late 1971, headquarters Continental Army Command received permission from Chief of Staff of the Army William C. Westmoreland to include women in the drill sergeant program. In February 1972, six NCOs from the Women s Army Corps at Fort McClellan, Ala., were enrolled in the drill sergeant program at Fort Jackson.†(4) So, while women’s suffrage was still continuing our nation was having women train ourShow MoreRelatedThe Amendment Act Of The United States1669 Words  | 7 Pagesintent of providing a strong centralized government which had not existed previously under the Articles of Confederation. One thing lacking in the Constitution was statement of citizens rights. Under British rule, enforcement of rules such as the Stamp Act were often without reasonable suspicion and left colonists feeling as though the British could do whatever they wished. It took a few years for this to finally be changed and when completed, the Bill of Rights was a protection of citizen s â€Å"unalienable†Read MoreThe Fourth Amendment Act Of The United States1378 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. In the landmark cases below, the cases went to court because the defendant accused law enforcement of violating their Fourth Amendment Rights. Under the Constitution the Fourth Amendment protects officers of unreasonable search and seizures. Officials as public schoolsRead MoreThe Second Amendment Act Of The United States1865 Words  | 8 Pages The Second Amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Some in the government wish to take this right away. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the Bill of Rights that guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This amendment, adopted on December 15, 1791 along with the rest of the Bill of Rights was created or several reasons. One is to ensure citizens’ rights to own a firearm. This topic has become one of the most controversial topicsRead MoreCase Analysis : Schenck V. United States852 Words  | 4 PagesShivani Patel Case Brief Schenck V. United States 1. Case Title: The title of the case is Schenck V. United States; it took place in 1919. The plaintiff is the United States and the defendant is Charles Schenck. 2. The law: This case involves the Espionage Act and the first amendment. United States convicted Schenck on the basis of violating the Espionage Act, specifically Section 3, which states when the United States is at war, people can not willingly cause or attempt to cause disloyalty andRead MoreThe New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcment Act of 20131014 Words  | 4 PagesYork State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 or SAFE Act was signed into law January 15, 2013. The law was written in reaction to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. This Bill passed the New York State Senate on January 14th, and the State Assembly January 15th. Not long after, the bill was signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. With this new bill in place, New York State has climbed to the top with the toughest gun control law in the United StatesRead MoreThe Progressive Era Of The United States994 Words  | 4 PagesGeorge F. Will once said, â€Å"The United States is a successful nation that is constantly susceptible to melancholy because things are not perfect.†During the 1880’s to the 1920’s this statement seemed to be true about America but this sadness was not seen from the outside. The Progressive Era brought out these issues and made everyone aware of them. This era was a period in the United States that consisted of social activism and political reforms. The importance of this era was the passing of laborRead MoreProtecting Fundamental Rights Of Citizens888 Words  | 4 Pagescreating amendments and laws â€Å"that conferred on all Americans the precious status of citizen, enumerated some of the fundamental rights of citizenship, and extended to citizens federally enforceable guarantees for the protection for their civil rights was itself a revolutionary change in American federalism†(Kaczorowski 47). Should the federal government protect the fundamental rights of its citizens ev en if it infringes on state laws? In order to protect the unity of the United States, congressRead MoreWiretapping And The Fourth Amendment Rights Of Criminals1559 Words  | 7 Pages1928- Olmstead v.United States Supreme court rules federal investigators can wiretap into suspects phones legally, and use those conversations as evidence. Roy Olmstead, a suspected bootlegger, was bugged in the basement of his office, and also in the streets surrounding his home. He was later convicted based on that evidence. An appeal was raised on the grounds that the wiretapped data violated the defendant s Fourth and Fifth Amendment. It was decided that the wiretapped data did not violateRead MoreThe Importance of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifthteenth Amendendments1493 Words  | 6 PagesThe Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments of The United States Constitution were important for implementing a total reconstruction of America and the blessings of of liberty to everyone that lived within the borders or our country. These ideas of equality would be reached out to the entire population including but not limited to slaves and their descendants and all American Citizens. These Amendments were especially important to African Americans and minorities who were the main victimsRead MorePublic Gun Control And The United States1732 Words  | 7 PagesPublic Gun Control in the United States Gun Control in the United States of America is a sensitive (understatement) topic that has resulted in various criticism and support by many citizens of the United States (also an understatement). Some citizens believe that the guns don t kill people; it is the people that kill people while others believe that guns lead to violence and a feeling of control and power over others. The belief of some is that if firearms were to be eliminated from the public
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sports Case Study - 1612 Words
How would you assess the Bucks season this far? It’s been a roller coaster season for us so far, we’ll go on these four-game win streaks, then lose two or three in a row, we’re just having a problem with staying consistent now, we’re heading in the right direction, we’re learning we just have to be more consistent on a game-to-game basis. What do you think would help improve the consistency of the team? Were Just growing up, we’re all still young, I’m just 26 in my sixth season in the league, but our main guy Giannias just turned 23 so we’re going to be inconsistent at times trying to figure out how to develop great habits every day, it’s just a process we’re going through right now. We still have a great chance to have a good†¦show more content†¦On the offensive end, it’s a matchup nightmare, you have centers trying to guard the guards, and guards trying to guard the center, it’s great for us. Do you think the League is headed in this direction, where players don’t have a defined position? I think it is If you look at the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavalries, two of the best teams in the league, their best line up is when LeBron James, and Draymond Green are playing center, so the NBA is definitely trending that way. Did you ever imagine that this style of play would take over the league? It was hard for me to see at first but you can see it’s working, the bigs are coming three point shooters instead of low post scorers, but I this it’s a great thing for the League it’s more exciting to watch so I’m a fan of it. Do you think the NBA will ever go back to having their bigs play with their back to the basket as opposed to facing the basket? I think it could when you see how dominate Joel Embiid is I think eventually it’ll trend back there. The NBA is full of young players, what do you think about Ben Simmons and the way he’s developed? I think he’s a great player, unfortunately, last year he was hurt so he had to sit out, he used that as a redshirt year where he can sit back and watch the NBA, how he can affect the game, and how he can fit in with his team. I think he’s a great player that can do many things on the court. I think after LeBron hit his decline orShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Health Risk And Sport Participation1661 Words  | 7 PagesCase Analysis 8.10: Health Risk and Sport Participation The following is a case study analysis on Case 8:10 Health Risk and Sport Participation. This particular case involves five individuals, all of which are employed and or playing for the athletic department at BTU University. One of the individuals in this case is star BTU football linebacker A.B. Another individual is BTU Head Football Coach J.M. In addition to A.B and J.M, the other individuals associated with this particular case are theRead MoreSports Case Study860 Words  | 4 Pagespermanent decision, but if N’s lack of confidence is not addressed, he could be physically ready to perform and exceed his best marks, yet still fall short. Previous research has found that physical readiness to return to sport does not always indicate psychological readiness to return to sport, (Crossman, 1997, Ford Gordon, 1998). Therefore, if N is reporting that his elbow tendinitis is still present, the primary focus is to progress N to a point where the tendinitis is no longer psyc hological concernRead MoreSports Case Study1001 Words  | 5 Pagesallowing approximately 48 hours between RT sessions to provide adequate recovery and reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness. Sessions also occurred at the same facilities (Monday Friday: Broadwood Stadium, Wednesday: Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility), at the same time of day (18:30-19:30), to reduce circadian fluctuations and under the same environmental conditions (18-21 °C) to minimise the impact of temperature on neuromuscular function. Furthermore, participants were asked to abstainRead MoreSports Case Study961 Words  | 4 Pagesthere was a picture floating around social media. It was a gathering of some of the strongest CIS players in a parking lot. The picture sparked the imagination, what were they talking about, was this the start of a potential CIS shuffle? Whatever the case may be, it is fact that Na`Vi had been eliminated by Liquid in the tournament and the star player of that te am was one Olesandr â€Å"s1mple†Kostyliev. He had put on an incredible performance throughout the event to the point that Na`Vi had no choice butRead MorePrince Sports Case Study1040 Words  | 5 PagesM2. Case Study Analysis - Prince Sports, Inc. Quick and fast changes in an environmental market place such as social growth (globalization and the growth of social networks), economic instability (crises), industrial progress, fast growing competitive world and firm marketing regulatory mainly have an effect on the work of most of marketing companies or marketing and brand image divisions of the companies. In order to put into practice a winning marketing plan or a boost in sales and customerRead MorePrince Sports Case Study1313 Words  | 6 PagesPrince Sports Case Study Valerie Bodner Marketing Principles Dr. Awesome October 17, 2015 Abstract This case study explores different marketing techniques utilized by Prince sports. Research is conducted by utilizing marketing concepts retrieved from various publications as well as Prince sports website. Evolution in technology, joint ventures and adoption of different marketing techniques proved to be successful for PrinceRead MoreWalden Sports Case Study1126 Words  | 5 Pages This paper measures the employees’ job altitude in Walden Sports, this company wants to make changes to benefit the employees. The main area of concern in this study is performance management and appraisal, work engagement and method of recruitment. Performance management entails identification, measurement, oversight, and development of employee performance, which is necessary to evaluate the employee’s performance in this company. Job satisfaction is a representation of an individual’s attitudeRead MoreStudent Sports Case Study759 Words  | 4 Pagesadvertising to such a large crowd, sales are bound to increase, further running the economy. As the majority students do not have a lot of disposable income, the free admission for students will be a huge competitive advantage. SOCIAL: Attending sports games is a very social activity that people tend to do in groups rather than alone, this is very beneficial to our marketing campaign as for every person we market too, a small group finds out about the event. By increasing attendance, we are generatingRead MoreA Case Study For Week Three Centers On A Liability And Assumption Of Risk Case Essay1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe case study selected for week three centers on a liability and assumption of risk case study. In this case study, Brent Thomas and George Banks are facing liability charges after Ricky Watts sustained a serious injury during hockey practice (Essex, 2016). In this situation, Thomas is the school principal, and Banks is the hockey coach as well as the gym teacher (Essex, 2016). Ricky obtained injuries after improperly blocking the puck (Essex, 2016). This case study was selected because it highlightsRead MorePrince Sports Case Study2640 Words  | 11 PagesPrince Sports is an original sports equip ment retailer that offers many different products for tennis, squash, racquetball, badminton and paddle tennis. The companies’ tennis products consist of more than 150 racquets, 50 footwear models and 50 tennis strings, as well as bags apparel and other accessories. Prince Sports focuses on continuing to meet the needs of athletes of all levels and ages. There are many methods of marketing to various demographics and cultures with many contrasting variables
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Time Spent with a Famous Person free essay sample
If I had to choose a famous person to spend a day with it would have to be with, Bruce Lee. He has always been an inspiration to me because he followed his dreams. As a child he played in movies with his father, and was well-known throughout China. While growing up he was being picked on by other kids, he told his mother that he wanted to learn Martial arts to defend himself from kids that would pick on him because he didnt know how to defend himself. At the age of fourteen he finally started Martial arts, and began to use his Marital arts skills in movies with his father. His life reminds me so much of mine, I was also picked on when I was a kid, and I began to use my Martial art skills to defend myself as well. So when I first met Bruce Lee I was blown away with how we had so much in common, we went to a famous restaurant, and ate dinner, it was on a Saturday night. We will write a custom essay sample on Time Spent with a Famous Person or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We talked about how he started his Martial arts, and the reason, and I let him know my reason for joining it. We laughed so much because he told me about how the funny embarrasing moments he had while growing up, and I did as well. Im real grateful and thankful that, Bruce Lee let me have this opportunity to meet him, and I will always remember the great time I spent with him in that famous restaurant. The pictures I have of him will always be on my walls, and I will tell my children about him, and how he inspired my life even more after getting to know him a bit more. I hope I get the opportunity to meet him once again.
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